October Health News

More on Immunizations by Dr. Bud Bergstrom.
I hope you all saw, or will see, Dr. Gary Newland’s excellen Heath
article last week, & follow his recommendations. The currently
recommended Covid vaccine is not “just another Covid booster shot”,
but rather a new vaccine developed to be active against the new
“variants”, which the antibodies we have from previous vaccines &
Covid infections are not. Also strongly recommended is the RSV vaccine
for all parsons 60 & older, & those younger with certain chronic
illnesses, e.g. COPD, heart disease, etc. – check with your Primary
Care physician if in doubt. The “flu vaccine” is again recommended for
all persons 6 months of age & older. Whereas it has only been approx.
40% effective in actually preventing our getting “the flu” in recent
years, persons who have received it almost always have a much milder
illness if they have received the vaccine. Each year approx. 40,000
un-vaccinated persons in the US die from the flu ( a few years ago,
80,000 persons died ). Lastly, be sure you keep your DPTP up to date.

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