
MRR Board Mtg 071524

Communicator with Upcoming Events!

We apologize for the oversight in the Communicator sent out this morning, which did not include the scheduled events. Our upcoming events are included here. Thank you for your understanding.…

MRR Board Mtg 071524

2024-2025 Medford Rogue Rotary Club Officers

New Club President Rachel Torres hosted the first board meeting of the Rotary year last Monday (7/15) at her home.  Pictured are the Club Officers for the year.  Standing in…

July Health News

The BIG Rocks in Your Life By Kellie Hill Recently I reread a note from Bill Huffman, a Board Member of an organization I worked with many years ago.  I…


You can’t beat fun at the old ballpark

Rotarians and guests enjoyed the baseball game last Sunday (7/14) when our Medford Rogues played the Lincoln Potters at Harry & David Field. No final count of peanuts and cracker…


Thank you blood donors

Thank you to everyone who showed up at Ascension Lutheran church on Tuesday, July 14th to donate blood. Summer is a challenge for blood donations as the need for blood…

Explore new skills for personal growth.

Did you know Rotary… has free adult learning courses? 

MyRotary has a dedicated page for continuing education and learning. Learn.Rotary.Org has a catalog with hundreds of free trainings for Rotary members. Topics are varied and include courses on Leadership,…


Club Meeting- World Community Serivces

Linda Brown and George Prokop shared insights into their Clean Water Project in Puerto Rico.  Amazing success by getting clean water buckets to over 300 homes, which means about 1,200…


Children’s Festival set-up

Great turnout by our club again this year helping with set-up for the Children’s Festival at the Britt Gardens in Jacksonville. Seventeen club members and guests assisted with the setting…


Quarterly Grant Meeting district 5110

Plan on attending the first grants meeting of this Rotary year July 20th 9a-12p……invite new Rotarians to see the magic of Rotary thru The Rotary Foundation programs! Watch as we…

Gold Rush 0614

One way to beat the heat – Friday happy hours

Some folks figured out a great way to beat the heat in June was to stop in for Friday Happy Hours at Gold Rush Brewing. Summer happy hours continue in…