Club Meeting August 14th- Chelsea Hicks Foundation Awareness

Alison Hicks, Founder & Executive Director

Sometimes tragedy can spur beautiful things. This is the story of Chelsea Hicks, a little girl diagnosed with an illness that would take her life by age 5.  Her family spent many days and hours in hospitals, navigating painful and frustrating treatments.  But Alison Hicks, Chelsea’s mom recalls that when dress up clothes and costumes of all kinds came out of the bag Chelsea would light up and forget all the pain around her.  Her light would shine so bright that all the kids around her would join in and also have a few hours of fun in the middle of whatever struggle they were facing.  The joy that Chelsea shared prior to her passing, 15 years ago, continues today. The 501 (c) (3) non-profit foundation continues to bring costumes and accessories to more than 2300 kids in hospitals all over the United States.  Donations and partners keep the circle of love growing, changing one life at a time.  I encourage you to go to the website and see the many faces and places this foundation has touched.  I promise you will smile and cry all at the same time and maybe even be moved to share a few dollars in support.

Chelsea Hicks Foundation – Chelsea’s Closet – Inspiring hope and healing to seriously-ill children through therapeutic dress up and play.

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