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Club Learning Assembly 4/13/24

April 13, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Cottage Grove High School
1375 S River Road
Cottage Grove, OR

  • This event has passed.

Formerly known as District Training Assembly

Club and District Learning Assembly
Club and District Learning Assembly (formerly the Club Training Assembly or CTA) is an annual event sponsored by the District for the purpose of training, educating, and inspiring D5110 Rotarians for the coming Rotary year. CTA is a required event for Presidents-Elect and strongly recommended for all club officers/directors and committee chairs. Sessions include topics of interest to Rotaractors, new Rotarians…all Rotarians!

Registration will open at 8:00 am with a continental breakfast and resource fair. Training will begin at 8:30 am. Lunch is provided at no charge.

If you are bringing a spouse or guest please have them register separately so that we may keep track of the number of people attending each session.

Register in DACdb


April 13, 2024
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Cottage Grove High School
1375 S River Road
Cottage Grove, OR
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