Last Friday we were able to round up 11 Rotarians representing four different local clubs (Ashland Lithia Springs, Bear Creek Valley, Medford, and Medford Rogue) for a photo after the packing was complete. This crew was part of a larger team that packed 618 bags of food for distribution to local schools. Rotary volunteer packers were from left to right (front row) Bud Clardy, Jerry Kenefick, Benji Fargason, (back) Danette Moss, Ron Taylor, Brian Barr, Wayne Thomas, Carol Neil, George Prokop, Gary Newland, Charlie Versteeg and Rick Lemon (friend of Rotary). Another great day of service and fellowship.
The program can always use more Rotary volunteers, and if you are interested in helping please contact Danette Moss (dmoss@laclinicahealth.org) and she can assist you with the sign-up and scheduling process.