Club Program 11/29/23 – Governor’s Report

This week’s speaker was Jim Polk, our District Governor. Jim was introduced by Assistant Governor Michelle Corradetti. Jim kept everyone interested and smiling as he shared the story of his life’s journey, what drew him to Rotary, and how it led him to his current role as District Governor. Jim shared stories of his 20 years traveling the world while in the Air Force and serving as a linguist specializing in Mandarin. After retiring from the service, Jim served as the City Recorder for Cave Junction for more than 15 years.

Jim asked us to think about the question, “What is your Rotary moment?” and shared a few of his own. His first rotary moment was his recollection of receiving the polio vaccination in the form of a pink sugar cube while in elementary school. Another of Jim’s Rotary moments came when he met LeAnn Mobley and learned of her Rotary activities, journey and gained a better understanding of the role of the Rotary Foundation and all the good things it did.

Jim also asked each of us to think about “What is your idea?” on how Rotary might help and serve our communities to share our thoughts with him.

His closing comment, “Be the reason someone smiles today.”


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