Club Program 12/06/23 – Strategic Planning

Building on the survey members completed earlier this year, at our club meeting last Wednesday the strategic planning committee led our club through an exercise to further explore key areas of interest. Discussions were held in eight small groups (+ a separate Zoom group), each with a designated facilitator, to gain additional insights on the following following four questions:

  1. What are the barriers to meeting Goal 1, developing “An engaged, demographically heterogeneous membership”?
  2. What are the barriers to getting all members involved in our “well-branded signature event” (Goal 2)?
  3. To meet Goal 4, “Financial efficiency and sustainability,“ what is most, and least, important to retain in our club budget?
  4. How can we achieve Goal 3, “A well-known menu of projects and services”?

The strategic plan updates under development are intended to guide the club’s leadership team over the next three years to ensure the club’s direction aligns with members’ inputs.

Thanks to everyone who showed up and participated. Looking forward to hearing the outcome of this activity.

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