Club Meeting-Governor’s Report
Program Title: Governor's Report Speaker: Jim Polk Program Introducer: AG Michelle Coradetti Greeter: Beth Reger and Ellen Naumes Attendance: Beth Zerkel Sergeants: Judy Lininger
Vision Your Future Club
Program Title: Medford Rogue Rotary - Club review Speaker: Kellie Hill Program Introducer: Kellie HIll Greeter: Fawnda and Kevin Shahalami Attendance: Ellen Naumes Sergeants: Claudette Moore
Annual Holiday Party
Centennial Golf Pavillion 1900 N Phoenix Rd, MedfordPlease join us at our annual Medford Rogue Rotary holiday party. The event will be held again this year at Centennial Golf Pavilion. A great fellowship event with a delicious…
Club Meeting December 20th NO MEETING
Just a reminder we do not have a formal club meeting today. Please disregard the meeting info/link it is a pre-set text.
Club Meeting – January 3rd No Meeting
Just a reminder we do not have a formal club meeting today. Please disregard the meeting info/link it is a pre-set text.
Club Meeting – Fellowship Speed Dating
Program Title: Fellowship Speed Dating Speaker: Claudette Moore Program Introducer: TBD Greeter: Kevin and Fawnda Shahalimi Attendance: Roger Hasenpflug Sergeants: Claudette Moore
Club Meeting – January 17th tour Rogue X
In place of our “off” meeting day, join us instead for a special opportunity to tour the new community complex, 901 Rossanley Drive, Medford from 12-1p. Tour will be led…
Club Meeting – Congressman Cliff Bentz
Program Title: Update from DC Speaker: Congressman Bentz Program Introducer: TBD or Joey Minear Greeter: George Prokop and Cooper Whitman Attendance: Roger Hasenpflug Sergeants: Gene Taylor
Third Quarter District Grants Meeting
Review of grants, updates, and approval of new Global Grants for DDF allocation. This meeting is a virtual meeting, open to all Rotarians and you can register at the following link:
Club Meeting-Global Warming
Program Title: Global Warming Speaker: Maud Powell Program Introducer: Doug Schmor Greeter: George Prokop and Angela Durant Attendance: Roger Hasenpflug Sergeants: David Wilkerson