Club Meeting- May 8th- Aki’s Farewell

It’s hard to believe but a year has passed, and Akinori Oka (Aki) is getting ready to go back to him home to Japan.  Aki shared with the Rotary club the wonderful and various adventures he went on while visiting the United States and the many friends he has made.  He had two host families, and each provided him with support and new experiences that he will treasure. Aki enjoyed many things while attending high school, but noted his love for Human Anatomy & Physiology and the SMILE club he participated in.  Aki mentioned experiencing snow for the first time while here and noted trying several new foods, however he shared he prefers Japanese food.

His final farewell trip is coming up and it is fitting that his love for food is the theme for his fund raiser.  He will be preparing a Japanese dinner on Sunday, June 2nd at Natalie Hansen’s house on Dry Creek Rd.  The dinner is $100 per plate and there are only 20 seats available.  Please contact Natalie or Beth Zerkel for more details.

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