Club Program 03-27-24 – Uniting for Action on the Economy in Southern Oregon

Our guest speaker on Wednesday, March 27th, was Marla Estes, Jackson County Coordinator at Urban Rural Action. Marla was introduced by Oregon State Senator Jeff Gordon.

Marla Estes has a background in Psychology. Since 2007 she has taught workshops and classes using film as a way to gain better understanding of ourselves and others. Her focus is on education.

A portion of the program provided a background on “Uniting for Action on the Economy in Southern Oregon” which covers Douglas, Jackson, Josephine and Klamath counties. The spirit of the program is about:

  • Building connections across our differences
  • Learning about and respecting different economic perspectives and experiences from different parts of Southern Oregon
  • Working together to address issues that we Oregonians can impact

Marla also discussed “Building Bridgers” which she created to address the political polarization in our country. To learn more about Building Bridgers please check out the website:

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