District Conference Overview

The District Conference held May 3rd-5th in Coos Bay featured some great Keynote Speakers. Friday’s speakers included RI President’s Representative Margaret Walton. Ms. Walton stressed the importance of ensuring that our clubs appear as “irresistible” to new members.  Amy Wolff, founder of the Don’t Give Up Movement, was the evening Keynote Speaker on Saturday evening and delivered a very inspirational speech.

For more background on the Don’t Give Up Movement, watch Amy’s Ted Talk at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC1xlh1cjYE

As part of the Friendship Exchange, the conference also included members from Italy representing Italian Wine Makers and a group from the Philippines.

The District’s Inbound and Outbound Exchange students were presented to all attendees through a flag ceremony, mingled with attendees during meals and had great fun participating in a Youth Exchange Talent Show.

And, a highlight of any gathering like this, is the fellowship opportunity presented to reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

Five of our club members were able to attend in person, along with our Aki, our exchange student.

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