Kids Unlimited Basketball Program is Back!

Week one of a three-week basketball program was kicked off at Kids Unlimited last Saturday, February 10th. Coach Tom Cole, along with his South Medford Girls Basketball Team, are leading this clinic and the Medford Rogue Rotary is looking at picking back-up our support role for this great program.

The Medford Rogue Rotary has supported the Kids Unlimited Basketball Program for over 15 years, but, like many other community activities, the program was put on hold when the COVID pandemic struck. This three-week program is potentially the kick-start to reviving the program in a broader form at a later date.

For week one there were about 30 enthusiastic kindergarten students at the morning session and 50-60 first and second graders at the second session. Seven Medford Rogue Rotarians were on hand to assist Coach Cole’s team coordinating passing, dribbling and shooting drills. The message of teamwork was integrated throughout the session.

Volunteering to assist at one of these sessions takes only about 90 minutes of time and requires no basketball skills or knowledge, just a desire to work with kids. Coach Cole does an excellent job corralling the kids and keeping them focused, and it is an absolute blast working with the kids. It’s hard to tell who’s got the bigger smiles on their faces at these sessions, the kids or the volunteers.

The sessions run two more Saturdays, 2/17 and 2/24. If you are interested in volunteering or just coming out and learning more about the program, please reach out to Pat Barry at

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