Rogue Credit Union Community Complex (“Rogue X”) tour – 011724

On Thursday, January 17th, our club had the opportunity to tour the recently opened Rogue Credit Union Community Complex (“Rogue X”). Just under 40 club members, plus a handful of significant others, took advantage of this opportunity to tour the facility and learn more about  the great programs that are already underway and being enjoyed by the community.

Jesse Nyberg of the Parks Department led the tour through the birthday party/meeting rooms, Aquatics Center, Competitive Pool and Events Center. The Events Center alone is over 75,000 square feet of versatile events space, which can accommodate eight basketball courts, 16 volleyball courts, 364 trade show stalls, and more. During our tour of the Events Center several pickleball courts were in action as well as a few folks playing basketball.

Brian Sjothun, Medford City Manager and Medford Rogue Rotary club member, joined our group at the end of the tour fielding more questions and providing additional back stories on the journey to getting the complex up and running.

Great informative tour. Thank you, Jesse and Brian, for taking the time to show off this wonderful facility to our club.

For more information on the Rogue Credit Union Community Complex please click on the following link Rogue X

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