Service Project – Andy Batzer recognized for leading the St. Vincent de Paul playground structure installation

Dennis Mihocko, facilities manager, of St. Vincent de Paul Society in Medford, joined our club on Wednesday, August, 23rd to recognize Andy Batzer for his tremendous leadership and service coordinating the installation of a playground structure at the Family Homeless Shelter. Dennis Mihocko expressed his sincere gratitude on behalf of the entire organization for the volunteer effort to install the playground. Andy donated his time, personal resources, and organized both a group of Medford Rogue Rotary volunteers and Scout Troop #5 in a multi-day effort to install the structure.  Thanks to the teamwork of everyone involved this structure was completed in late  April.

The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Rogue Valley Council of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to providing compassionate support to the poor, regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation or ethnic origin.  Each Council is locally organized, funded and staffed.  Our Council has no financial obligation to any church and no effort is made to preach, convert or proselytize.

We have no paid employees and rely on 200+ volunteers to provide all of our services.  We own our own land and buildings, so pay no rent or mortgage.  Overhead costs such as insurance, utilities and repairs are paid for from Thrift Store revenues.  All donations we receive go directly to helping the needy.

To learn more about St. Vincent de Paul go to their website at

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