Tiny House Service Project – The Crossings

The Tiny House Service Project, led by Rick Clark, was completed on time to meet the January 10th due date for opening of The Crossings development. Thanks to Rotary club members and others, the last 5% of the work required to complete the 12 units was finished the weekend of January 5-7th

The phrase “it takes a village” perfectly encapsulates this effort. In addition to Rick Clark’s amazing effort, passion and leadership driving this project, 22 different Medford Rogue Rotarians volunteered their time to help over the course of the project. It’s estimated that 9 club members alone each volunteered 30 or more hours of their time to helping with this project over it’s life. Wow. Just wow.

The “village” contributing to this project included; a youth group from Oakland, CA, a local Presbyterian youth group, students from St. Mary’s, Boy Scout Troop 5 and so many family, friends and interested people.

A really a great effort from Rotarians and all the other groups that supported the effort. Thank you everyone for making this project a reality and a HUGE thank you to Rick Clark for his dedication and drive to make this happen.

The Crossing is, and will be, a great addition to our valley and is indeed helping people transition into the community.



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