Amber Myre

WIW post

World Immunization Week

World Immunization Week — 24-30 April — is a perfect opportunity for Rotary clubs to share the incredible progress we’ve made toward eradicating polio. This year features significant anniversaries to…


4/10/2024 -Student Speech Contest 4 way test

Our program meeting this week was our annual 4 Way Test Speech Contest. Students from around the valley submit to present in front of our rotary club on a variety…

Volunteers Needed Bob Newland Track Meet

The Bob Newland Track Meet will be held Friday, April 12 at South Medford High School. We are seeking 10-12 volunteers who can assist with the FIELD events at this…


Women’s History Month -Woman in our Rotary Part 2

A little more women’s history in Rotary, our District and our Club; Today, 306,600 of Rotary’s 1.1 million international members from 46,000 clubs are women (roughly 30%). Locally, Rotary District…


New Member Monday!

Please welcome our newest member inducted to our club…. Jonah Liden, RCC’s, Community and Government Relations Coordinator.


Club Program 03-12-24

Our Rotary Club presentation this week was all about Climate Change and Local Agriculture, presented by Maud Powell from OHSU Extension.  The impact of climate change on Small Farms is…


It’s Women’s History Month… so lets talk about women’s history in Rotary Part 1

Women in Rotary From 1905 until the 1980s, women were not allowed membership in Rotary clubs. They were allowed in “Inner Wheel” clubs – created by some clubs for spouses…

new mem

New Member Monday!

Please welcome our new members inducted (or should I say Re-Inducted) to our club…. Kurt Hildebrand (Oregon Community Foundation) and Jay Harland (CSA Planning).

bh heck rot

Club Program 03-06-24

Our Rotary Club presentation this week was on the State of the Criminal Justice System by our very own Beth Heckert, Jackson County District Attorney. Overwhelming evident from her presentation…


Volunteers Needed

The Candyland project is upon us and we need you! Looking for Volunteers for Friday, Sat. and Sun – 11:30 – 4:30…and all hands on deck for Monday, 2/19 tear…