

Rotary Leadership Institute

Over the weekend of Sept 23-24th three of our club Rotarians participated in our District Leadership Institute. What did you learn or enjoy most about RLI? Emma Nelson shares “RLI…


Club Program 10/4/23 -Oregon Shakespeare Festival

There was Much A Do about Oregon Shakespeare Festival today at our club meeting as Executive Director Tyler Hokama and Artistic Director Tim Bond had a conversation about what is…


Tiny House Service Project 100123 – Thank you volunteers

Last weekend, Sept 30 and 10/1, work continued on 11 tiny houses. On Saturday, there were 9 total volunteers working on the project including six of our club’s members. Eight…


Paul Harris Awards – 092723

Two club members were recognized at the meeting on Wednesday, September 27th, for reaching Paul Harris milestones.  Rick Clark was recognized for reaching the Paul Harris +4 level and Andy…

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Pickleball Tournament – Thank you vendors

A shout-out to the four vendors who came out to our Pickleball Tournament this year to offer their products and services to our players, families and interested Rotarians. Cooking 4…


Access Rogue Powerpack Kickoff

Approximately twenty volunteers showed up Friday morning, September 29, to kick off the ACCESS Rogue Powerpack program and filled about 500 packs for students. An efficient assembly line including six…

Health News Rotary

October Health News

“‘ Flu Shot ” recommendations for the 2023-2024 Flu Season – by Dr. Bud Bergstrom Yes, it’s ” F-season ” again – football, fall colors, frost soon, & flu shots…


Jacksonville Wine Trolley Tour

A grape time was had by all on the Jacksonville Wine Trolley Tour on Saturday, September 23rd. Several Rotarians, along with family and friends, boarded the Jacksonville Wine Trolley and…

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Thank you Gold Sponsors

Thank you to all the Gold Sponsors of the 2023 Medford Rogue Rotary Pickleball Fest donating between $1000 – $2499.   A great time raising money for a great cause, local…


Paul Harris awards – 091323

Four club members were recognized at the meeting on Wednesday, September 13th, for reaching Paul Harris milestones. Club members hitting milestones included; Joey Minear, Debbie Graunke, Nancy Walden and Jon…